
I work with a vile girl, let’s call her Cruella, it fits so well. I pride myself on being able to see the good in everyone, find that redeeming quality, Hitler for example, was a vegetarian. But there is nothing redeeming with our Cruella, she’s the nasty vindictive type and we clash on everything. She even scoffs at how I smush an egg for egg mayonnaise.


A bit of history on Cruella.
She as a farmer boyfriend, he’s called Dick and owns a dairy farm [or at least the family does]. If Dick is in a good mood Cruella has openly admitted she likes to bring him down as she gets jealous if something other than herself is making him happy.
She worked on a chicken farm for a while and enjoyed getting new batches of chickens in and hurling them at an electric fence. So they’d learn not to walk into the fence. Obviously.
She slept with her best friend’s boyfriend.
She thinks my engagement ring is costume jewellery.
She called sarcasm the lowest form of wit.
She has a face that you wouldn’t mind smashing into an electrical fence.

Today I was stressed, don’t ask. So when she greeted me at work it pushed me even closer to the edge. I knew I would snap and I busied myself talking wedding plans with the other lovely members of staff while she made snide comments and rolled her eyes.

I managed to the end of the day to avoid her then I was cashing up and she killed a spider.

I turned round to her and asked her why she’d done it, “I don’t like them,” she snottily replied.
“I don’t like you, but I don’t think it’d go down well if I squashed you with my foot.”
“But I’m human so it’s different.”

I couldn’t contain my disgust at her self appointed superiority and I wouldn’t be surprised if she makes a complaint about my response. After telling me, in a disgustingly condescending tone that she’s never known anyone care about animals so much – as if that’s an insult, she gave me the silent treatment for the entire day.

It got me thinking.

When I get to CA I can’t work for 6-12 months until my greencard comes through. During that time I can figure out an action plan to get involved in animal charity work and try to help animals in danger due to our arrogant, destructive ways. I already help the Brooke donkey fund, PETA and a third world children charity Every Child, but I want to be more active. I want to make a difference so people like Cruella can’t use shock collars on their dogs.

I’ve become a hippy.

I wonder when my dreadlocks will grow in.


I’ve been feeling lazy as hell recently.

I think it must be excitement, my birthday is just 4 days away and I’m seeing Rus again in 21 days, combined with the early sunrises and lack of black out curtains and I am hardly sleeping.

Also, not to be a moaning myrtle but being 6000 miles away from your fiance can get a bit hard at times and, as a result, I go through the odd spell of being anti-social and lazy. Rus calls it my slug phase.

After a few days I get frustrated with myself and try to shake it off. My mum bought me a chakra bracelet which is meant to help. A string of stone beads, one representative of each chakra, is said to aid alignment and the flow of energy through you.

Placebo effect perhaps but after a nights sleep in it I wake up feeling much more like my normal self.

Today I did just that and, as luck would have it, Misi were having a free listings day so I added some new items to my store.

Ironically enough that include my own attempt at the chakra bracelet.

Please check it out here, any feed back is welcome.

I’d hoped to get more up but along with working out, cinema trips, eating birthday cookies and shopping I didn’t have time to get the photos taken.