Number 91

Best room for a fireplace?

Ours big open fire is in the study, though we have small gas fires in all family rooms. I like it best in the study so I can curl up in front of a crackling fire with a book and a dog or six.

Now winter is setting in I wouldn’t mind one in my bedroom…

Number 85, 86 and 87

I’ve missed a few. More on that later…

Are you patient?


I don’t think anyone in my generation is, and it’s only getting worse. We want everything yesterday and then we want it upgrading. We use phones to hear back from people straight away, we use the internet to confirm a fact instantly, we buy things on credit that we can’t afford and don’t need, we want to fall in love at first sight but then don’t want to spend anytime nurturing that love or tending to it when it is flailing, we watch the film instead of reading the book, we read spoilers for the film online, we download the next episode of the series, we chose fast food over delicious meals and we still aren’t happy.

Not all of the above examples are relevant to myself, I always read the book first, but I just wanted to emphasise that patience isn’t trendy, and anyone who answers yes to this is either over 40 or a liar.


DJ or band, at a wedding?

I’m having neither. I will be dancing to the sounds of the Las Vegas streets.


Ever won a contest?

No, I’m not competitive enough with other people. I strive to make myself better, to fix the bad habits I have, but if I was in a competition and close to winning I would probably bow out and come second as it would undoubtable make the other person’s day more than it would mine.

Number 83

Can you swim well?

I can do back stroke pretty well.

I cannot tread water, whatever the hell that means.

I could probably maybe save my life, I like to think adrenalin would kick in and I’d be rescued by a boat before cramp set in.

I mainly avoid large bodies of water just in case.

Number 81

Tea or coffee?

Tea. Green tea, white tea, english tea. Anything except fruit tea.

I’m a migraine sufferer, a real migraine sufferer not a facebook one, and too much coffee makes me more susceptible to going blind in one eye and spending my night in a darkened room. I’ve found its best to just avoid them, something that is much easier now I am not within walking distance of a Starbucks. I dunno how I’ll cope when I am in CA :/

Number 78 & 79 and a bit of Thor

So I missed out last night because I went to a THORATHON. At my local cinema. It started at 7pm and showed Thor 1, Avengers [assemble] and then premiered Thor 2.

I enjoy marvel comic films, like I enjoy DC comic films, I also enjoy loudly asking if Batman will be appearing in the film while queueing for a Marvel film. I’m not hugely obsessed, I felt no need to paint myself green in order to get the most out of the film, and if my sister hadn’t suggested the event I wouldn’t have even known it was happening, but I’m glad I went.

The film was like all comic book films, enjoyable and easy to watch. A love interest, a bit of witty banter – a few “in jokes” about other characters to make you feel cool for understanding, a battle scene, a moment of evil triumphing but ultimately being squashed by the good guy. I enjoyed it as a casual watcher and none of the extreme marvel fans threw faecal matter at the screen thus I am going to assume it was enjoyable for them too.

The three films in a row in a cinema seat was a new experience for me. I think next time I’ll wait for the DVD release before I attempt that although it was a great excuse to eat two hotdogs in one cinema trip so never say never I guess.

Must say I didn’t much care for Natalie Portman’s face being involved, I don’t mind her in Black Swan and I can tolerate her attempt at an English accent in V for Vendetta, it’s not like I have anything against her but she irritated me in this one. Not as irritating as in the first film, but I still think she could have been cast better.

On to the questions, they kind of work as a double entry anyways so thats cool…

Who would you like to see in concert?

This is hard cause I don’t much care for music like I once did. I grew up listening to punk, going to shows every weekend and devoting all my spare time to discovering new favourite bands. Now I just listen to the same stuff I did when I was 21 and then a new band a friend recommends every now and again.

I guess I’m pretty obsessed with John Mayer this week, his voice is like butter.

But don’t tell my 15 year old self that I said that!

What was the last concert you saw?

Rocket to the Moon in Hollywood about 2 years ago. Wow that is a long time!

I just haven’t got the desire to go out and listen to music now. Maybe if I found out Less Than Jake were touring, or No Doubt, or The Cure or someone that I used to love. Then I’d probably call up my old BFF and get the kohl out.