I got ‘nominated’ this award by Joy in Jeans. I’m not really sure what it is, how it started, or if anyone ever actually wins. But it seems like a great excuse to stalk through blogs and a fun way to start building up a community on the blog so here goes…


– Link back the blogger that nominated you

– Nominate 10 others who have less than 200 followers

– Answer the 10 questions provided by the blog that nominated you

– Provide 10 questions for the bloggers you nominate

– Let your nominee’s know of their award

My 10 Blogs

Long Distance Fiance

Daisy Dares You

Bookmarks Mark Books


Lazy Diva Challenge

Shazzzams Great Journey


Twisted Sifter

Top 10

Bucket List

Okay, the find ten blog things is bloody hard! Maybe I’m just picky about what kind of blogs I want to follow but there is an awful lot of crap out there. I want to read about peoples’ lives, I don’t want to read obnoxious opinions, mindless “deep” thoughts or tales that are filled with unnecessary attempts at wit or desperate attempts to seem “kooky”.  When I did find a good, honest, humble blog it was already over 200 followers. The first 6/7 of the blogs listed are below that, I think, and they’re really good. The last few are over the 200 mark but are really good for filling your feed with.

My questions…

1. Do you ever pass along chain mail?

Nope. This is the first one I have ever received. I remember watching an episode of Sabrina where her aunts got a chain letter and I remember thinking how much fun it would be to get one.

2. Be honest, do you pee in the shower?

No. As a teen I was a big Simple Plan fan and my favourite member admitted he loved doing it. I’ll admit that was a big temptation to try it but I just can’t bring myself to do it. Like, yuck!!

3. Have you ever won an award?

No. Wow I’m saying no to all of these! I never really enter anything where I can win. I have no competitive edge, I am all about the taking part and don’t really take anything seriously enough to push to win.

4. If you could travel  to space which planet would you visit?

One of the gas ones, and kind of float and bob around in the density of it. Or one of the ones with the rings, and skate round. As you can tell I paid a lot of attention in science class.

5. How much weight can you squat?

I have never even tried this. I weigh 117lb and I can successfully squat, so I’m going to say 117lb and hope no one asks me to.

6. If you were a candy what kind of candy would you be?

Salted caramel because nothing is nicer than the mix of savoury and sweet. That answer is just what I’m craving right now, it is not a personification. Although I am a gemini and have two sides so maybe it works as a more metaphorical answer.

7. Insects or Dinosaurs?


8. Museum or mosh pit?

Museum. Five years ago it would have been mosh pit but I’m an old gal of 25 now and have to look after my bones.

9. Lotion….?

Is a word a question if you follow it with a question mark? I honestly don’t know what you mean by this, I moisturise if that’s what you’re asking 🙂

10.On a scale of 1 to 10 how tired are you of answering annoying questions?

I could probably go for another round but my chihuahua wants some cat food because he doesn’t like to be restrained by species stereotypes.

If you are going to join in with this “award” you must answer the following questions then think up 10 of your own for the bloggers you find 🙂

1. Favourite word.

2. Least favourite noise.

3. Pet peeve.

4. One thing you just cannot get your head around.

5. The thing you value most in another

6. If you were an animal you’d be a…

7. What kitchen appliance would you want to spend a day being?

8. For an entire day would you rather walk on your hands or write with your feet?

9. Ketchup or mayonnaise?

10. What film would you love to be your reality?

Best Marigold Exotic Hotel

A film I have wanted to watch since it’s cinema release waybackwhen.

Today I went to my sister’s to dog sit for a few hours. I took my blanket to crochet as I sat on her leather reclining sofa and had the luxury of Sky television all to myself.

I’m not a huge tele fan, I watch a few things [period dramas and Emmerdale] nearly religiously, but I adore films. Sitting down for a couple of hours and getting a little insight into another life or time is my method of relaxation. I prefer dramas and love stories. While I was obsessed with Lord of the Rings as a teenager, I much prefer stories that could have actually happened to tales of elves and aliens.

This is not a review, but I will say the Marigold Exotic Hotel is a good film. Nice British humour, a subtle love story, a little heart ache. Not deep, not heavy, just lovely.

I have always had itchy feet, a desire to travel and see the world. Rus, my beloved fiance, is a bit more practical. If I had not met him I would be in Asia right now, frittering away money and loving every second of it without a second thought about when I’m old and need savings. Rus thinks about these things and one of the compromises I have made in this relationship is that there will be no major travelling yet. And that’s fine, I would rather spend two weeks on ‘vacation’ with Rus than two years any where without him.

However, I am a little concerned that when I’m older I’ll be too set in my ways to want to pack up and go. Everyone goes travelling in their 20s – who wants to. Not so many 60 year olds were in the hostels I’ve stopped in.

This film helped set my mind at ease for my vague old lady travels. And it made me excited about it. Truth be told, I am a bit of a worrier. And knowing everything is taken care of will make my travels more fun anyways!

At 25 everything to me is kind of exciting. I have a very young mind, I’m told. I’m curious about everything around me and, since being with Rus, don’t feel such an urge to rush off and see everything. Instead I’ll enjoy new experiences that are local, perfect my yoga skills, practice new dishes in the kitchen, build a home and enjoy the simple things now. Enjoy taking a mini break to a nearby city, enjoy a two week break to Europe, stay up late partying in LA and gather a group of fantastic friends.

Then, when I’m retired I can go crazy.

Look for me in Thailand with the students, I’ll be the 70 year old flying high!